About Dean
Dean is an independent traffic engineer and Chartered Engineer specialising in traffic engineering with more than 25 years experience. He obtained a bachelors degree in civil engineering from Auckland University, with first-class honours, in 1985.
He is accepted by Councils as a suitably qualified and experienced traffic engineer, is an experienced road safety auditor and peer reviewer of traffic impact assessments, project feasibility studies and economic analyses prepared by others. Dean is a regular cyclist and advocate for cyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable users of our roads.
Dean is a member of the Transportation Group of the Institution of Professional Engineers NZ, the NZ Transport Database bureau and Standards NZ. He has full access to the database of road crashes that are reported to the Police and all literature that is accepted for use by Councils and Road Controlling Authorities.
To support his economic analysis work, Dean has successfully completed two Stage III university papers in resource and environmental economics. He attends courses and seminars regularly to ensure he is up-to-date with the latest rules, methods and/or case law.
Dean is particularly successful at guiding complex and/or non-complying projects through the consent process, some very large. This often results in big savings for his clients, most commonly in reduced parking requirements and/or reduced width requirements for roads or access.
Dean's ability to identify and focus in on key issues and the real effects of proposals regularly provides significant savings for his clients - usually many more times than the amount of his fee.
Dean has extensive experience in the capacity and traffic safety assessment and design of entrances onto public roads, internal access, parking areas, vehicle manoeuvring areas and the wider effects of generated traffic or parking demand on the existing road network including realistic predictions of future traffic.
He uses specialist computer-based software for 3-dimensional terrain modelling, road design and vehicle tracking when necessary to provide you with the most cost-effective, efficient and practical access solutions.